Wood Floor Inspections:

The IMPACT  inspection service is intended for installation and post-installation problem assessment and evaluation. The role of the IMPACT on-site inspector is to obtain facts and observe the floor's condition.

1. Inspections include preparatory time in advance of the inspection, interviews with involved parties, the actual on-site inspection, and off-site follow-up. The on-site inspection covers grade, millage and specie of the wood, condition of flooring, condition of the subfloor and concrete slab (if viewing is requested and possible), examination of general site conditions, and a review of the floor sanding, sealing and finishing. The final evaluation is based upon structural integrity and aesthetics.


2. Architectural specifications, photographs, correspondence, and any other documentation of the problem (i.e. job files) and system installation should be mailed to IMPACT for review prior to the on-site inspection.

3. All of the involved parties are encouraged to be present at the on-site inspection. This includes (but is not limited to) the owner, architect, general contractor, project manager, flooring contractor. The on-site portion of our inspection service can usually be completed in 2-3 hours.

4. A written report is issued by IMPACT within approximately 4-6 weeks after the inspection. The report focuses on observations during the on-site inspection and will take into account all materials submitted regarding the floor. Our overall goal with each report is to provide the appropriate corrective measures to return the floor to its proper condition. If necessary, IMPACT will also recommend acceptance or rejection of the floor due to more serious factors. Final observations will be made in writing only -- no opinions will be offered until the written report is issued. 

Concrete Slab Inspections:

IMPACT will examine and determine all of the concerns regarding concrete as a suitable substrate for the installation of floor covering and/or floor coating materials. The testing will determine concrete moisture vapor emission and pH levels for comparison to floor covering manufacturer installation requirements. Some flooring and/or adhesive manufacturers print the maximum tolerable level(s) of moisture vapor emission and a range of pH for installations over concrete substrates.

Moisture vapor emission and pH levels in excess of specified manufacturer’s parameters must be corrected prior to flooring or coating applications. The purpose of this specification standard is to ensure testing is performed by qualified personnel and the test results are reported to the Owner, Architect and General Contractor, in writing, for review and/or corrective action.

The Flooring Contractor is best served by including these tests. In the past this testing was often left out of construction, documents or it may have been included in individual sections of Division 9. The tests were to be performed by the General or Flooring Contractor; this should be avoided as testing performed by untrained personnel or someone with a biased or conflicted interpretation.



* IMPACT recommendations are not binding. Implementation of our recommendations and settlement of complaints is strictly between disputing parties. IMPACT  inspector is NOT responsible for arbitration of claims, financial losses resulting from an inspection, enforcement of agreements, or future performance of the floor when recommended corrective measures are undertaken. Parties waive any such claims against  IMPACT.



Contact Us Today!

Schedule an appointment or to find out more about the services we offer. Please call 914-447-3197 or email 

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